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Tuesday, 30 September 2008, 17:00

I'm pretty much just about to head out to the pub with the guys, but Jordon's just rang and asked me if I knew anything about what happened between Lil and Summer last night. As far as I was concerned, nothing had happened, but Lauren told him Summer had stormed over to their student accomm and started threatening Lilly and trying to start a fight with her. Apparently there was almost a fight, well, would have been if Lilly hadn't have kept her cool.

But when I saw Lilly this afternoon she said nothing, which had pretty much got me puzzled about why she would keep it from me. I thought something was wrong when she hardly ate her lunch and she was a bit uneasy at first, but I just put it down to nerves or something. But to learn that Summer's actually threatening her? I'm pretty pissed off about it. I don't know whether to ask Lil about it or not. I'm even tempted to call Summer and ask her what the hell she's playing at. Either way I'm guessing Lilly's just trying not to draw attention to herself, but if she's feeling low then I want her to talk to someone about it. Then again, I guess she wouldn't talk to me anyway, we hardly know each other.

Now that Jordon's told me this, I'm a bit wary about this whole week of dating business. I mean, I love meeting up with Lilly and I'd hate for anyone to get in the way, especially Summer, but if it's caused Lilly this much grief?? She didn't even seem keen on coming in the first place, and she's already going through a load of shit without needing all of this extra trouble I've placed on her by spending time with her. I dunno what to do. All I know, is that I really like the girl. And I'm such a sucker.